I'd like to wish everyone the very best under these trying circumstances. Some of us still live with family members, but the majority of my online friends live alone or with a significant other. I'm lucky to have two sons in close proximity in case of emergencies. The other two are out of state--North Carolina and Arizona. I have 5 beautiful granddaughters who are beyond my reach. My one grandson lives an hour away but we've been doing our best to social distance since the start of this pandemic. Technology is our only lifeline. If there's one thing I learned this year it's the importance of my internet provider, lol. Without them I'd be truly cut off from my friends and family. At the beginning of the year, none of us knew we'd have a starring role in such a historical event. I'd much rather read about pandemics in a Nora Roberts novel instead of living it 24/7 but there you have it. Hopefully, at this time next year, the worst will be behind us. The new vaccine should ease the path to what was once normal.
On the personal front, I survived a complete shoulder replacement last July, managed to re-release/self-publish 8 novels from my back list, and have FINALLY started to write something new. Throws confetti!!!! A huge shout out to my editorial team, cover artists, bloggers, and fellow authors for holding my hand through this process. Thank you for your generous support. Join me in raising a glass to healthcare workers throughout the world. They are the main heroes of this real life drama and deserve all our love and respect.
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