Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas Wish

Warmest wishes from my house to yours! Let's try to end this holiday season on a cheerful note and make way for a fresh and hopeful 2020.

Those of you who've been following my blog this year know that I've spent a lot of time promoting other authors. I hope you've discovered some new names along the way and will continue to support their creative endeavors. 2019 has been a rough year for many of us. The best way to say thank you (aside from the obvious monetary contribution) and give us the additional incentive to keep on doing what we're doing is by leaving a review. They don't have to be long. A simple "loved it" or "highly recommended" works as well as a detailed narrative. It's the amount of reviews that count and help to boost sales. 

Without going into details, I'd like to mention that a lot of my older novels will start disappearing from major retailers and won't be available for a while. I'm going to spend most of next year getting them back out into the universe, but not before I re-edit and re-cover. It's a process which involves time and money. So...I'll do what I can as quickly as possible. My audiobooks won't be affected during this transition.  They will remain on until the contract runs out. Foreign translations are another matter entirely and I'm still researching my options.  

Lastly, I'd like to offer my sincerest thanks to anyone who takes a chance on a Mickie B. Ashling novel. You have a wide variety of choices and I'm always honored whenever you pick one of mine.  


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Free Book-Week 3

This weeks free book is Open Seating, the first book in the Open Series. You can find it on my author page at Amazon. Kindle Countdown deals...