Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Tuesday Teaser!

Excerpt #3-Colin has a meltdown.

Excerpt #3 –Colin has a meltdown.
Slipping away in the dead of night would only confirm Alain’s initial misgivings. I was too young to be with a man of his caliber. In truth, I planned on staying until morning, but I was way out of my league, falling too fast, and already emotionally invested in the guy before we’d even fucked. Once that happened, there would be no turning back.
I’d managed to dress and sneak out of the room without disturbing Alain, but there was a moment of blind panic after I tried the front door and it didn’t give. Locks were meant to keep out intruders, not imprison those already inside. I willed myself to calm down and concentrate on the problem at hand. I knew I was capable of getting out of a tight spot, but my powers had been dormant for a while, and it would take some concentration to make this happen. Calling upon secrets I’d learned at Granny’s knee, I plucked energy from sources around me and used it to my advantage. At the moment, the closest thing was Merlin, Alain’s cat. The persnickety mound of fur wasn’t too thrilled by my presence, and he radiated anger like a live wire. All I had to do was snatch his energy away for a few seconds and send it hurling toward the lock. Which I did. The tumbler reacted to the forceful blast, and the door swung open.
I ran down the stairs, started my car, and sped away. Trying to explain my powers to Alain posed another problem. After my granny discovered I had magic in my blood, she’d sworn me to secrecy. My grandda, Prince Emile, despised witchcraft in all its forms. He’d ordered Granny to put away her grimoire and give up the family business if she wanted to remain by his side. It was for this reason she’d made me pinky swear not to tell anyone—especially the three men in my life—that I was gifted. It was one more thing I couldn’t possibly share with Alain.
I had to seek advice from a trusted source, and the only one who might understand would be Granny. Fortunately, she always accompanied us on our summer holiday. I had to find a way to discuss this in private because her ladies-in-waiting were prone to gossip, and my hijinks, always a favorite topic, were too juicy to keep under wraps.
I showered and slipped on comfortable lounging pants hoping for a few more hours of sleep, but I was too wired. Now that I had Alain’s full name, I could get more info off a search engine. Nothing I uncovered could be worse than the parts of myself I’d conveniently left out of my narrative, but I had to learn more, so I could answer Granny’s questions with some semblance of knowledge.
I was shocked to discover Alain was a respected member of the scientific community, but learning he’d recently won a Nobel Prize was intimidating as hell. Despite my rank, I’d never be able to compete with Alain’s many accomplishments.

Imagining him at my side as a ruler was inconceivable. Not because he wasn’t capable, but he had so much more to offer the world than becoming my consort. And even if he was mad enough to take me on, I would be breaking my self-imposed rule. No male pregnancies. Ever. Except Alain had cast his net, and I was caught, as surely as the fresh flounder Da insisted on eating at least once a week.

A Tangled Legacy was recently reviewed at Joyfully Jay by Veronica.

"This is a tender love story coupled with palace intrigue and a dark plot that isn’t fully resolved by the end. Colin needs to bring Drake to justice for his grave misdeeds, but that isn’t within his power to the limits of this book. I expect we’ll see that driving a lot of the action in a sequel. Likewise, the development of the love story between Alain and Colin will need further fleshing out, especially now that they are making serious commitments to one another. Don’t expect too much steam, however. Some of this sexy happens behinds a closed door.
I was tentative regarding this one due to the rather vague blurb, but now I can’t wait to read on. Magic, and mayhem, and murder, oh my!." 
 Read the entire review here.

You can get your copy at AmazonKOBONineStar Press

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