Thursday, December 8, 2016

2016 Rainbow Awards

With over 420 entries, I'm thrilled to announce that Yesterday was one of twenty runner-ups in the 2016 Rainbow Awards: Best Gay Book Category.  Here is what the judges had to say:

1) Powerful from start to finish, Yesterday is a stunning story rich in culture and history. One cannot help but be pulled deep into the plight of forbidden love and the psyche of the characters. In a world filled with unspeakable horrors and oceans of pain, Yesterday is magically written and we live each moment through to a happy ending. Hauntingly beautiful, written in deft prose, Ms. Ashling’s Yesterday exemplifies the very essence of true storytelling.

2) The author has done her research and it shows in not just the setting, but the way the characters react. Kam's struggle to reconcile his sexuality with his beliefs feels very realistic, and I got hooked on his and Grady's story very quickly.

3) Interesting tale of worlds colliding in both cultural and romantic tendencies, set in a time of upheaval that lead to anarchy. A recommended read.

I'm so proud this novel was included in such prestigious company. In our current devisive atmosphere, I feel it's important to write stories that celebrate our differences rather than focus on the negative.

For those of you who are interested in reading this interracial historical novel, I've attached the links.


Dreamspinner Press:


  1. Congratulations, Mickie! I've followed the announcement and you're in good company with all those amazing authors. :)


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 The entire series is now available for purchase at Amazon or a free read with your KU subscription. This is an ongoing story and the books ...