Monday, March 31, 2014

Grand Adventures and other news...

The anthology created by Dreamspinner Press, with the cooperation of a group of talented authors, is now available for purchase.  All proceeds go directly to Eric Arvin and T.J. Klune.  Read more here:

On a personal note, Saturday, April 5th, between 3-6 PM Central, I'll be hosting my first EVER chat over at the Dreamspinner Group on Goodreads.  Stop by to read a few excerpts of my latest release, Fractured, as well as other novels in my back list.  I'l be offering several giveaways and basically answering whatever questions you might pose.  At the end of the chat, I'll share a sneak peek of my newly contracted novel which will release later this year.  Cutting Out, book 4 in the Cutting Cords series.

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